Stoker Family Photos

A history in pictures

Fred and Maranda Goad

Agnes, Fred, Maranda, Howard, Helen, and Ruby Goad

Maranda, Ruby, and Fred Goad

Fred Goad, Ruby Goad — and cow, Welch Oklahoma

Maranda and Fred Goad

Fred Goad, Bill Stoker, Maranda Goad, visiting Homer and Leta’s farm in Edna (c. 1946)

Maranda Goad holding Mike Stoker (1951)

Maranda with Fred holding unknown baby

Ruby Stoker with Mike Stoker and Fred Goad

Erie, KS - In front, Grandpa Goad flanked by Dorothy Cooper & Loretta Green. L to R Agnes, Grandma, Laura Mae holding Emery, Ivan, Marvin, Ruby, Clint & Helen holding Richard

1946- Grandma & Grandpa Goad with all the grandchildren: Dorothy Cooper, Bill Stoker, Richard Cooper, Loretta Green, & Emery Goad