Stoker Family Photos

A history in pictures

Homer and Leta Stoker

Homer and Leta’s Wedding (September 1, 1920)

Homer and Bill, Grandpa’s Pontiac at Marvin and Ruby’s in Topeka

Homer, Mike, Leta, Bill, Ruby at Fall River Dam

Homer and Leta “Our first car” Hugoton, Kansas (1921)

Dean, Marvin, Homer, and Leta

Leta, Mike, Bill, and Homer at the two-stories (1953)

Lady, Grandma and Grandpa’s dog

Mike, Ruby, Leta, Homer, and Bill. Notice the vintage cameras, the thermoses, the book
titled “Things To Do,” and the toy fire truck.

“Homer and Marvin, Herman and Wayne”

Dean and Oleva, Marvin and Ruby, Homer and Leta, Bill in front. Topeka Kansas (ca 1950)