Stoker Family Photos

A history in pictures

This one was taken in Welch, OK at Grandma & Grandpa Goad’s house. Left to right are Jim Green in front of Emery Goad, Dorothy Cooper holding Mike Stoker, Loretta Green next to Deanna Goad, Richard Cooper, Bill Stoker and Patsy Green.

Bill Stoker, Patsy Green, Jim Green, Mike Stoker, with the twins, Kenneth & Kathy Green in front. Marvin and Ruby’s house in Planeview

The Green Family

...and other cousins from the Goad side, the Coopers and Goads

Christmas at the Green’s house in Erie - cousins, Loretta, Mike, Dorothy, Bill, Richard & Patsy (1951)

All the cousins - Dorothy & Richard Cooper, Bill Stoker, Emery Goad & Loretta Green

This is Richard Cooper, Bill Stoker and Emery Goad in the front yard at Grandpa Goad’s. We all climbed that tree on the left.

This is Bill Stoker, Dorothy and Richard Cooper on the steps of the capitol in Topeka.

Richard Cooper