Stoker Family Photos

A history in pictures

Randy’s Family

Randy, Logan, Aaron, Jessie, Julie, and Wade (2003) just before Aaron and Jessie got married and two months before Aaron went on his first tour of Iraq

Logan’s Senior Picture

Logan with Cole Aldrich (2008). Cole Aldrich was a pre-season pick for All American. He's 6'11 and he can play.

Graduation Day  (May 2008)

Logan with Clayton Robinson who also has Down Syndrome – at party at Randy and Julie’s house before the senior prom (May 2008)

Logan and Wade at Special Olympics track meet (2007 )

Wade with Sasha Kahn - 2008, the year KU won the NCAA national championship

Wade and the catfish - 2008 ,the biggest fish he had caught to date

Wade leading the marching band in a Christmas concert at the high school with 700-800 attending (12-08-2009)

Aaron in Iraq (2004)

Aaron in Iraq (2004)

Aaron in Iraq (2004)